Improvement Plan Review Services

Reviewing District and Campus Improvement Plan(s) to ensure compliance with TEC, TAC and P.L. 114-95 (ESSA). Recommending changes that will make the plan(s) more viable and improve student achievement.

  • Providing improvement planning technical support throughout the contract school year to answer questions and assist in updating the plan(s).

Monthly Newsletter - SPIN

Each month, our districts receive the “Special Programs Information and News” (SPIN) informative email newsletter containing details of current federal and state grant program requirements, due dates, recommendations for maintaining program compliance and efficiency as well as upcoming competitive grant opportunities.

Full Improvement Planning Services

Reviewing and revising district and campus improvement plans to ensure compliance with state and federal mandates.

  • Meeting onsite with site-based decision-making committees for the district and campuses to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment aimed at special programs, but inclusive of all areas of focus for districts/campuses.

  • Conducting surveys of students, parents, community members and other applicable stakeholders to gather information as part of the needs assessment.

  • Gathering and analyzing data, including assessment results from various sources to prepare a Report of Findings.

  • Writing and/or editing district and campus plans to logically incorporate the prioritized needs from the needs assessment as well as the requirements of P.L. 114-95 (ESSA), TEC Sections 11.252 and 11.253 and the TAC as necessary.

  • Providing improvement planning technical support throughout the contract school year to answer questions and assist in updating the plan(s).